How-to Guides and Browser Tutorials

How to Restore HTTPS and WWW in Website URLs in Chrome

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These are the instructions to restore HTTPS and WWW in Website URLs in Google Chrome Web Browser.

Chrome Restore HTTPS www

Restore HTTPS and WWW in Website URLs in Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome Browser on your Computer (assuming chrome is already installed; if not you can Download Google Chrome and install it).
  2. Chrome Shortcut

  3. In the address bar type: chrome://flags/ and press Enter Key.
  4. Chrome Flags

  5. Now, Type Steady in the Search Flags Box.
  6. Chrome Flags Steady

  7. You will get three flags instantly i.e Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Scheme, Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Trivial Subdomains, Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Path, Query, and Ref.
  8. Chrome Flags Steady Results

  9. Now, you have to Disable all three flags. To Disable, Simply click on the Default Dropdown and Select Disabled.
  10. Chrome Flags Steady Disable

  11. Once all the three flags set Disabled. Click on Relaunch Now Button to Restart the Chrome Browser.
  12. Chrome Flags Steady Disabled

    That’s it. Google Chrome will now show https and www in the HTTPS and WWW enabled website URLs.


[*] The same settings can also be applied on all chromium based web browsers to Enable or Disable the https and www in website URL.

[*] How to Hide HTTPS and WWW? By default, the latest version of Chrome automatically hides the HTTPS and WWW from website URLs. But if in case, you have disabled it from Chrome Experiments, then again visit Chrome Experiments Page by typing: chrome://flags/ > Search Steady under search flags box > Click on the Disabled Dropdown and Select Default > Relaunch the Browser.

[*] Many websites intentionally don’t use HTTPS and WWW in their website URL (you can’t force chrome to use https on non-https sites; it will end up showing SSL certificate issue).

[*] Chrome Guides: If you are looking for How-to Guides on Google Chrome then, Check out the Google Chrome Guides Page.

[*] Credits: Google Chrome Browser is developed and provided by Google Inc. So, full credit goes to Google for developing the Browser.

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